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August 18, 2023
Hot Weather Safety Tips For Dogs

You may have heard that dogs don’t sweat - and that’s true. However, it’s hard for humans to understand the significance of that fact. Without sweat, dogs are limited in their ability to lower their core temperature, depending entirely on other cooling mechanisms: panting, the natural release of heat through their paw pads and noses, […]

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June 30, 2023
10 Common Dog Diseases & Treatments

Dogs are just as prone to infectious diseases as we are and can also pick up bacterial and viral infections from the environment. Most can be treated, but preventing your dog from contracting or suffering the worst effects of these diseases is the better way to go. Prevent Your Pup From Catching These 10 Common […]

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June 20, 2023
Canine Vaccines Your Dog Needs

If you’ve ever seen a dog suffer needlessly, or even die, from avoidable diseases and infections, you understand the reason for puppy and dog vaccinations. They are an essential step in providing the best possible life for your dog, one that includes a safe environment, nourishing food, plenty of exercise, and lots and lots of […]

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May 3, 2023
Choosing A Pet Sitter

Are you considering forgoing a local pet boarding facility and trying a professional pet sitter instead? If so, there are several steps you’ll want to take to get the sitter and ensure they’re qualified for the job. 6 Tips To Find A Qualified Pet Sitter Here are some basic steps to find qualified pet sitters […]

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March 15, 2023
Find Your Lost Pet

First, if you’re reading this post, you or someone you love lost their pet, and our hearts go out to you. We understand the helpless panic that sets in. The neighborhood never feels as large or complex as when you’re trying to find a lost pet. 8 Steps To Find Your Lost Pet Fast Here […]

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March 2, 2023
DIY Enrichment For Dogs: Stop Destructive & Anxious Behavior

Anyone who’s ever owned and loved a dog knows how smart, and eager to please (or find their place in the pack), and needs to burn some energy. Another fun fact about dogs: they’re derived initially from wolves and genetically programmed to work for their food. While we always advocate for humans and dogs to […]

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January 23, 2023
How To Get Your Puppy Used To A Collar And Leash

Imagine if you are a young puppy (or a newly adopted dog) and you’ve just joined a new home. It’s such fun - all those toys, treats, and cuddles. Then, suddenly, your human companions take out a new thing and strap it around your neck.  Gulp! Ick! You’ve never felt anything like it, and (scratch, […]

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January 13, 2023
Holiday Pet Safety Tips

The holidays are a busy time of year, to say the least. However, sometimes our pets bear the brunt of all that excitement, chaos, and changes in the daily routine. Did you know that veterinarian offices experience higher numbers of emergency pet visits this time of year?  You won't be surprised to hear that some […]

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January 13, 2023
How Much Exercise Does Your Dog Need?

Here is the great news about how much exercise your dog requires - most dogs need roughly the same amount of exercise as you do. The CDC recommends that all humans get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily. If you have a dog, they need at least that much - and more is […]

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November 21, 2022
Signs Your Dog Is Stressed & How To Help

A stressed dog is an unhappy dog and can also become an unhealthy dog. Like humans, chronic stress or unmanaged anxiety puts dogs at risk for medical conditions, like digestion issues, skin problems, loss of appetite, or poor immune systems response.  And, as most human companions eventually realize, stressed or anxious dogs are more prone […]

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