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Dog attacked with machete back in August has now been adopted
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Dick Purtan

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Veteran Dog Trainer Helps Local Dog Recover from Trauma

Having moved to Clawson from Texas in April 2012 after experiencing a trio of traumatizing events, Button’s behavior was all over the place. “The dog actually belonged to my ex-husband,” Awbrey said, while noting she helped raise Button as a puppy before the couple split and moved several states apart. “He was murdered and she witnessed the whole thing. They found her in a truck 18 hours later (in Texas). They didn’t think she would make it. And then they took her to the pound, and then I got her and took her home with me to Michigan.

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Hometown March 20, 2011

It's been three weeks since Clancy Callahan, our Irish wolfhound, died. My sister Gwen and I are devastated. He left extra-large paw prints across our hearts. Clancy gave endless love. In dark times when I was laid off from my job, Clancy was there to bring light, hope and happiness. He was an amazing pup and we had been through so much together.

Hometown May 10, 2009

After Clancy's stellar performance in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Royal Oak, my sister, Gwen, and I thought our worries were over. Finally, our big blond Irish Wolfhound walked perfectly and never once tugged on the leash or ran off even though there were many distractions in this ultimate test of our obedience training. Clancy was the prime example of a well-trained dog. In the following months though he showed his true colors. Clancy once again was the poster child for bad boys.

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