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June 3, 2024
Mental Health Benefits Of Dog Ownership

If you have the space for one, having a dog is one of the best things you can improve your mental and emotional health—without medication! The strong, loving, and loyal bonds formed between dogs and their human companions are scientifically proven to benefit your well-being. 6 Ways A Dog Can Provide Physical, Emotional, And Mental […]

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April 23, 2024
Tips For A Dog Proof Home

A dog proof home is essential before bringing home a new puppy or shelter dog. In addition to protecting your home furnishing and possessions, pet-proofing accessible spaces protects your dog from injuries or potentially life-threatening scenarios. Creating A Safe Dog Proof Home Step-By-Step Over time, some of these precautions may go by the wayside as […]

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April 11, 2024
What To Know About First Aid For Dogs

One of the best things you can do for your dog is learn basic first aid steps. You never know when your dogs - or someone else’s - might become injured. The more immediate and skilled the response, the better most dogs fare.  9 First Aid For Dogs Reminders And Skills While your dog is […]

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March 11, 2024
Tips To Encourage Positive Behavior From Your Dog

Scolding or punishing a dog may work to prevent undesirable behavior, but you also need to add positive reinforcement for the behavior to stop.  Consistent dog training and having a balance in your training is the best way to encourage positive behavior from your dog while increasing your bond with you and the rest of […]

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March 4, 2024
Introducing Your New Dog To Your Current Pets

Adding a dog to your household is an exciting step, and it requires careful attention to detail if existing pets already call your house Home. Animals - even of the same species - are just like people and they don’t necessarily like one another right off the bat.  It takes patience, time, and a slowly […]

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February 26, 2024
The Benefits Of Doggy Daycare & Professional Dog Walking

How much time does your dog spend alone at home? If you’re gone most of the day, or you work from home and are largely unavailable for playing or walking, why not give your beloved dog the gift of doggy daycare or a professional dog walker? Doggy Daycare Or Dog Walking Services Improve Both Your […]

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January 3, 2024
The Benefits Of Adopting A Dog From An Animal Shelter

If you show dogs, love a specific breed of dogs, have a working ranch, or love to breed dogs responsibly, we understand that purebreds are your focus. If you’re interested in adopting a dog that's smart, sensitive, fun, and loyal companion - rather than a skilled worker or active show dog), skip the purebreds and […]

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November 7, 2023
The Importance Of Dental Care For Dogs

Dental care for dogs is one of the most overlooked aspects of canine health. However, neglecting your dog’s teeth puts them at risk for serious health issues.  From broken or rotting teeth, which put them at risk for abscesses or infections, to sore or missing teeth that make it challenging to eat, dogs are at […]

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October 23, 2023
Choosing The Right Dog Toys For Your Pup

Dog toys provide multiple benefits to dogs and their human companions. In addition to providing a way to play, bond, and have fun together, high-quality dog toys are designed to honor dog’s natural instincts - tugging, fetching, chewing, finding, and so on. Tips For Choosing The Right Dog Toys That Are Safe, Fun & Durable […]

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October 17, 2023
Understanding And Managing Anxiety In Dogs

“Anxiety” answers most of the questions we get regarding, “Why does my dog (insert negative behavior trait(s)?)” Dogs express anxiety or nervousness in a wide range of ways, some of the most common being: Panting Pacing Excessive barking and/or whining Trembling/shaking Salivating/drooling Urinating/defecating in the house Chewing things up Other destructive behaviors Doing things they […]

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